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Govan Tina Happy Birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINY TINA GOVAN They said you would not make it, they said the chances were so slim, but here you are at 21 we knew that you would win! You brighten every day with your laughter and constant chat, the volume may cause a few headaches but we are happy to take that. You made the front page headlines it was the 3rd of July 1992, and you have carried on getting stronger oh how we do love you. You are a really girlie with your makeup, hair and bags, extensions, nails, ghd's and glitter by the tonne. You love your job with children that is very plain to see, you help them learn while having fun and sit them on your knee. We hope you stay just as you are, and sparkle every day, because our Tiny Tina we all love you just that way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x MUM, DAD, GRANDMA, ANDREW, BECKY, JAMES, ANITA, ARRON, TOM, AMY & JOSH
Viewed by: 14 visitors. Uploaded: 10 years ago
Published in: Derby Telegraph.
Published from: June 15, 2013.
Region: East Midlands
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